
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Revelation 2:14 Stumbling blocks

Revelation 2:14 But I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit sexual immorality. 
The story of Balaam is in Numbers, chapter 22-31.  Balaam tried to prophesy a  curse against Israel in order to get money from Balak, King of Moab.  Balak was afraid of Israel as they were coming through his land on the way to the land promised to Israel .  Every time Balaam prophesied against Israel, words of blessings would come our of his mouth for Israel.  This made Balak very mad and to gain Balak's favor Balaam came up with another plan.  He suggested that Balak make an alliance between Israel and Moab. Then he convinced the leaders of Israel that the alliance would be a good idea.  As a result of the alliance the Israelites intermarried with the Moabites against God's will. 
 The Israelites were to be pure nation and not intermarry with the people who lived around them.  God's wrath came against Israel and many of them died.  The church at Pergamum was too tolerant of false doctrines and were in danger of having the Lord declare war on the church.  There were three  main temples in Pergamum, Zeus, Athena and Asclepius.  There was also a temple to honor the Empower of Rome. 
 The members of the church wanted to go to these temples and eat meat offered to idols and participate in the sexual immoralities in the temples.  Idolatry crept into the church.  You can not serve Jesus and Satan at the same time.  We must choose who we want to serve.   

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