
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Revelation 2:12 Be faithful until the end

Revelation 2:12  and some of you will have tribulation ten days.  Be faithful until death, and I will give you the Crown of Life. 
The church at Smyrna was told they would have tribulation ten days and that the devil was behind the persecution.  The ten days could refer to the ten Emperors of Rome
that severely persecuted the Christians.  This persecution began with Nero AD 64.  Nero set Rome on fire and blamed the Christians.  The persecution ended with Diocletian in
AD 310.  The worse of the persecution was under Diocletian.  The persecution ended under Constantine AD 312 when he made Christianity the religion of Rome. 
Rome had always believed in many Gods, but Constantine wanted to have one god who would protect him and his army.  As he was praying a cross appeared in heaven above the Sun.  Bearing the inscription "By this symbol you will conquer."  His army also saw this cross in the sky.  As Constantine was sleeping Christ appeared to him holding the same cross he had seen in heaven.  Christ commanded him to make a likeness of the cross he had see in heaven.  Constantine was to use the cross to safeguard him and his army  as they went to war.  Constantine made Christianity the world religion and persecution ended .
During John's lifetime persecution was very real.  The Christians at Smyrna suffered persecution each and every day.  John tells the church to be faithful even if it meant death and they would receive a Crown of Life.

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