
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Seven Stages of the Church Age

Revelation 3:14   And to the angel of the church of the Laodicea's write.

     Some people believe that the seven churches not only represent seven actual churches in Asia, but they also represent the seven church ages.  
1. Ephesus:  "The Apostolic Church"  A.D.30 - A.D.100   This was the church age where the disciples and people who saw Jesus lived.
2. Smyrna:  "The Persecuted Church:  A.D.100 - A.D.312    Ten Roman Emperors severely persecuted the church, urged on by the Jewish synagogue Leaders,  The persecution began with Nero and ended with Diocletian.
3. Pergamum: "The Indulged Church"  A.D. 312 - A.D. 606  In 312 Constantine  made Christianity the religion of Rome.  Persecution ended, but many of the Pagan practices became part of the church.
4. Thyatira: "A Pagan church" A.D. 606 - A.D. 1500  This church depicts the "middle ages"  and the dominance of the Roman Catholic Church.  This age is know as the
"Dark  Ages" where paganism merged with Christianity.
5. Sardis: "The Dead Church"  A.D. 1500 - A.D. 1750   This age is known as  "The Reformation Period".  This age came to a crises when martin Luther, on Oct. 31, 1517 A.D. nailed his famous 95 Theses on the church door at Wittenberg, Germany. 
6. Philadelphia:  "The Church Jesus Loved" A.D. 1750 - A.D. 1900  This is the age where missionaries were going all over  the world preaching the gospel.  Jesus said, "I have set an open door before you and no man can shut it.  Jesus did not have one word of condemnation for this church.
7. Laodicea:  A.D. l900 - A.D. - to rapture   There are no words of praise given to this church.  Jesus said the church was lukewarm, just going through the motions of worship.  His presence was not in the church. They thought they were rich and increased in goods and in need of nothing spiritually.  They did not know that spiritually they were wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.  Jesus said, "Ask of me and I will give you gold tried by fire, white raiment to cloth you, and salve to anoint your eyes so you can see.

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